Top 5 Tips For Sellers in a Buyers’ Market

Author Archives: John

Top 5 Tips For Sellers in a Buyers’ Market

Buyers are increasingly well informed and are currently spoilt for choice with properties for sale in Fisherhaven. Sellers with a clear understanding of the market, an awareness of current trends and realistic price expectations will always capture a buyer’s attention first. 1. Set a Realistic Asking Price It’s most important that your asking price should…Read More→

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Top 5 Tips For Buyers In A Buyers’ Market

In the real estate world, a slow economy leads to the supply of available properties on the market outweighing the demand. Properties for sale in Fisherhaven are no exception. In a Buyers’ Market, on one hand more property owners are facing financial distress and many will seek relief by placing their properties on the market….Read More→

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Property Transfer Guide In 5 Easy Steps

Even with the simplest of property transactions, at least three attorneys and three government or municipal authorities may be involved in the transaction. Provided there are no unexpected delays or surprises, the property transfer process takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks to complete. The legal term for transfer of ownership of immovable property is conveyancing,…Read More→

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Top 7 Selling Price Myths

If you’re reading this, you are probably thinking of selling your property, or you may already have your property on the market. By now, chances are you’ve probably heard words of advice from well-intended friends and family about selling your property. You should also know about some selling price myths doing the rounds; when the…Read More→

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Help Turn ‘For Sale’ Into ‘Sold’ Fast

Most home owners are suprised when they find out just how much a seller can do to help their estate agent to speed up the process of turning their ‘For Sale’ board to ‘Sold’ fast. This is the final article in a 3-part series where you’ll find a complete home owner’s survival guide. In this…Read More→

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Getting Your Home Ready For The Sale

Every seller wants their home to sell fast and bring in the top bucks, but it takes more than luck to make this happen. Careful thought and planning goes into sprucing up your home to convince homebuyers to start scurrying for their checkbooks. This is the second article in a 3-part series where you’ll find…Read More→

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Choosing the Right Estate Agent


You may have heard that selling a home is more stressful than going through a divorce. In fact, venturing into the property market can be an emotional and stressful time for many people. This is the first article of a 3-part series in which you’ll find a complete home owner’s survival guide. We explore the…Read More→

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